Fujiko A’s TV animation Futa-kun

Manga artist Fujiko A. Fujio’s early work Futa-kun was serialised in a manga magazine from 1964 to 1967. At that time, he still cooperated with his partner Fujiko F. Fujio (as the writing duo Fujiko Fujio). Because of the popularity of Little Ghost Q-Taro TV animation, a TV station planned to launch Futa-kun in 1967. Later, there were rumours that several pilot episodes were shown in Chugoku and Shikoku areas, but no one has been able to prove this or locate the film materials.

Last year, an enthusiastic netizen verified that Futa-kun was broadcasted in Hiroshima in December 1972. Although the production company was disbanded, its parent company is still operating. The netizen inquired about the whereabouts of the film after Fujiko A. Fujio passed away in April. The company located some film cans labelled ‘Futa-kun’ in the vault! Now the materials are entrusted to the Tokyo Laboratory. Fortunately, digitisation and restoration are possible and Futa-kun may resurface soon!

Source: 藤子不二雄Aさんの「幻のアニメ」発見。『フータくん』のフィルムをデジタル化して修復へ https://www.huffingtonpost.jp/entry/fuuta-kun_jp_62709c15e4b0bc48f57eacb0
